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Feng gong Ø 50cm

Prijs incl. BTW (21%) €34,02
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Feng gong Ø 50cm

Feng gong (Feng Luo, Wind gong) - Ø 50cm

Feng gongs have the same metal thickness throughout. When played, the entire gong responds with a wide range of overtones, which fade faster than on a Tam-Tam. However, they react faster, more powerfully and are more expressive. Includes a mallet.

For centuries the Wuhan Province in China has been producing Chinese TamTams (black-gold-black) and Feng Gongs (gold only). The instrument is commonly used in traditional operas, folk music and in ancient rituals.

We carefully sort through hundreds of gongs, to choose the best gongs for use in healing, meditation, rituals and ceremonies.

Traditionally Wind Gongs are played with a large soft mallet and possess that authentic and true gong sound typified by brilliant shimmer and can be used to help focus meditation and in spiritual ceremonies. It is said that some monks from Asian temples had the ability to match their voice to the frequency of the gong, bringing the gong into resonance from a distance of several hundreds of feet.

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